Hi! My name is Rakan, a multidisciplinary designer based in Zurich, originally from Jordan. I have been working in various fields for over 10 years.
As a designer, I am passionate about creating meaningful and engaging experiences for users. I believe that every design should be user-centered, and my goal is to create designs that truly meet the user's needs. I am always on the lookout for new ways to blend my skills in user research, UX/UI design, prototyping, and user testing to produce outstanding designs. In my free time, I also enjoy dancing and playing music, which are hobbies that further expand my creativity and passion. 

2022 -2024: Master of Arts in Interaction Design , SUPSI, The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland.
2022 1 September : Learn Figma User Interface Design course (Udemy, online)
2022 1 August: Web Design: Strategy and Information Architecture course (coursera, online)
2022 1 August: Visual Elements of User Interface Design  course (coursera, online)
2022 1 March: Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design course, Google (coursera, online)
2020 - 2021 Graphic Design course, SAE Institute, School of Creative Media at LTUC, Amman Jordan (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign) (3 months, online)
Adobe Photoshop course, InspireMe Institute, Amman, Jordan (intensive, 8 days, online)
Adobe Illustrator course, InspireMe Institute, Amman, Jordan (intensive, 8 days, online)
Web Integrator course (HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript), Web Professionals, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
2015 - 2016 Master of Arts in Tourism Management, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain.
2006 - 2012 Bachelor in Spanish and English Languages and Literature, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
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